
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Principals for implementing duty of care Essay

A1, What does the term â€Å"duty of care† mean? The term â€Å"duty of care† means to safeguard anybody from harm and to make sure they are not disadvantaged or treated unfairly whilst they are in my care, to always act in the best interests of individual’s and others such as my co-workers, my employer as well as myself. This is a legal obligation. A2, How the duty of care affects the work of a social care worker Duty of care affects the way that a social care worker gives care, these include following policies and procedures, keeping all training up to date as this ensures good practice by applying it to day-to-day work. Also by insuring fair practice by recognising independence, diversity and choice etc. A3, What having a duty of care means for a care-giving organisation. This means having the responsibility for making sure that their organisation upholds the legal requirement to keep their staff safe as providing a safe working environment as well as providing PPE. Keeping staff up to date on all training including reporting and recording procedures. A4, How does duty of care contribute to safeguarding individuals? Having a duty of care should protect all those who use or work within the service by way of safeguarding. These include: Following policies and procedures, by sticking to the guidelines setout it ensures that the care workers are very aware of what they can and cannot do. Sticking to the rules eliminates any misunderstanding Adhering to legislations or codes of practice such as; safe guarding or the health and safety act to name a few are laws that are set out to protect those who use  the service as well as those who work within. B1, Companies should have complaints procedures in place, it should be efficiently advertised and implemented. This is so that those who wish to raise a complaint can do so in confidence knowing that their complaints are going to be dealt with promptly. Also companies should have a clear procedure, which provides easy to use opportunities for the complainant to register complaints as well as clearly providing the name of the person to forward complaints to. The legal requirements for dealing with complaints include providing support for all complainants and taking the appropriate steps to respond and deal with all complaints raised B2, The best way to deal with a complaint is to Record a detailed description of what the complaint is about, this includes any correspondence letters, emails etc. and any action taken to deal with the complaint at hand Respond to complaints within a shot period of time, if a reply cannot be had at the time specified then the complainant should be notified and told when they should receive a reply Uphold confidentiality and be aware of who needs to be involved when dealing with the complaint, this is so that those raising the complaint can do so without any backlash To be very aware of how the complainant is feeling regardless of if I feel whether the complaint is justified Inform regulatory bodies if need be such as CQC.

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