
Saturday, February 9, 2019

What Are Visual Defects And How Common Are They ? :: essays research papers fc

What Are Visual Defects and How Common Are They ?byNate Schackow 2nd Period December 17, 1996The human eye does alot to a greater extent than allowing you to fascinate. It is realcomplex and has many parts and features which can have defects. However, tounderstand defects you must(prenominal) first know how the eye works.First fire up passes through the cornea, which is the frank part ofthe sclera, or white of the eye, which is composed of tough fiberous tissue.Behind the sclera is a watery fluid called the aqueous humor. This fluid fillsa cresent-shaped aloofness which with the cornea helps bend the light toward thecenter of the eye.Under the aqueous humor is the glad which gives the eye color. Thecolor of the iris has no effect on how you see and is inherited through genes.The iris contols how much light is allowed to enter your by opening up furtherwhen it is dark and closing up more to block out some light when it is bright.Everything that passes through the pupil, which looks like a black dot, is whatyou see.Next the light passes through the lens. The lens focuses the light raysonto the retina forming an take in in reverse and upside-down. Finally light-sensitive cells in the retina transmit the chain of mountains via the optic nerve to the foreland by electrical signals. Then the brain flips the image so it looks right-side-up to you. You can find a diagram of the to a higher place on page 3.The most common visual defects are shortsightedness and farsightedness.In nearsightedness, also known as myopia, the eye is longer than usual. This is change by reversal by using a concave lens to spread the light rays just enough to

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